April is for the Birds


Anticipation always builds this time of year, but this year, especially. I’m looking forward to a new release in my Happy Camper series, traveling, warmer weather, more vaccines, gardening, and flowers. Waiting is really hard right now.

Last year, my neighbor and I found baby owls in her tree. They kept us busy during the first months of the pandemic. Two owlets were born, and we watched them grow, fly, and eventually leave the nest.

This year, cardinals have been keeping me company. I’ve read that cardinals mate for life, and I always wonder if the same cardinals return every year or if they’re new birds. Here are the male and female at my bird feeder.

After seeing one on the news, I thought this was a yellow cardinal, but it is actually a Cedar Waxwing. Isn’t it beautiful?

I also have a yellow Goldfinch that visits frequently. We call him “yellow bird,” and I always think of the song my mom used to sing: “Yellow bird, up high in banana tree. Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me.”

I never feel alone when birds are around. Unlike me, they can fly anywhere they want to, whenever they want to, and I think that’s cool. In the early morning, when I hear their song, it reminds me of the untold possibilities each day brings. For those few precious moments, the day is untouched, except by their sweet melody, and it is music to my ears.

April is full of anticipation. But for birds, change is already here. While I wait—not so patiently—for my changes to arrive, I enjoy their celebration vicariously.

What helps you pass the time while you’re waiting? What activities are you looking forward to resuming this summer?


  1. Janet fox on April 17, 2021 at 10:31 am

    Great blog! So interesting!
    I have been passing the time while I wait for spring by looking at decor for my daughter’s new potting shed.
    Soon I will watch her plant her garden!

    • Mary Angela on April 17, 2021 at 11:31 am

      Thanks, Janet! I’m glad you’re enjoying the spring. I’m so excited to start gardening. I hope nice weather allows me to start early.

  2. Brian on April 26, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    Fewer owls=more Cardinals! I’ve heard more cardinals this spring!

    • Mary Angela on April 26, 2021 at 8:04 pm

      Lots of Cardinals this spring! But I do miss your owls–even if they kept you up. =)

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